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Operation Shoebox was a success! A heartfelt thank you to the First Pres congregation for your generosity and prayers regarding our 2023 Operation Christmas Child/ShoeBox ministry!

We were able to send 24 physical boxes and 4 online boxes to spread God’s love to children around the world. Please continue to keep these children and those who minister to them in prayer.

Saturday, Dec. 16, 2023

First Pres. Sports Club presents A Merry Little Christmas Party in memory of Harry W. Plichta. Pre-Register before December 13 (must be present with parent to get a gift). Pre-register with name and age by texting 610-517-4788 or emailing Bill at

11:00 4-6 year olds

11:30 7-9 year olds

12:00 10-14 year olds

You will get an age-appropriate gift, a hot dog, snack and drink. Your picture can be taken with either a 5ft cardboard santa or live Santa. Please enter through the DeKalb Street entrance.

To the First Presbyterian Church family,

We ended last month with celebrating Reformation Sunday, so as we end this month with the prelude to Advent (Christ the King Sunday) I want to go back to the sources! Namely, Scripture and its centrality in the life of the church. This was the rallying cry of the Reformation, and I hope we can use the upcoming liturgical year to reemphasize Scripture and its place in our worship services. I’ve talked about this in past correspondences but here are some links for more on church seasons and the Lectionary

It’s the suggested scripture texts for each Sunday that especially stand out, as each morning’s readings can be united by a common theme (the hope theme of the 1st Sunday of Advent, the resurrection texts of Easter, etc.). There are usually 4 suggested texts – from Hebrew poetry (Psalms, Job, etc., often ideal for our Call to Worship), another O.T. text, a Gospel, and Epistle (letter by Paul, James, etc.). Starting Sunday, we will begin to make sure at least 3 scripture texts are read every morning. I have fond memories of this from my Lutheran days when the pastor would read 3 texts and preach from one of them.

Of course, this is not just to “try something different” (we did this as well 2 years ago) but rather to remember that God’s Word to us is always central. I hope to have more opportunities to write about exciting ministries and initiatives happening around here, but they can and should only happen if they are grounded in the Word of God. I hope every Sunday morning Scripture texts are reaching all of your hearts and touching them in ways above and beyond anything I preach about. The Holy Spirit is the great expositor of Scriptures after all. Of course, I am proud of this congregation that as a Reformed Church we have never lost sight of the Word, but nevertheless I’m hoping this renewed emphasis will continue to serve and challenge our hearts ever more.

2 Timothy 3:16-17

~Rev. Peter Martin

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