Ongoing activities
Sunday School
Sundays at 9:30am. Join us for a discussion on discipleship. All ages welcome.
Sports Club
Children of all ages (and their families) are invited for games, bingo, sports, and so much more.​​
Coffee Hour
Join us weekly after worship for casual fellowship and delicious treats.
Music Ministry
If you like to make music, then join the choir or the praise team. All are welcome.
Women's Ministry
Potpourri meets on Thursday mornings at 9:30am.
Men's Ministry
Men are invited to join us at Lower Providence Presbyterian for their monthly Men's Breakfast. 1st Saturday of the month at 8am.
Join the Coalition to Save Lives at their weekly Saturday outreach near the Norristown Transportation Center (from noon-3pm).
Soup Kitchen
Join us as we serve at Cecil and Grace Bean's Soup Kitchen on the 3rd Thursday each month.